Response from Tom Del Beccaro to the lies on the ESTABLISHMENT hit piece
Some people have asked me to respond to the lies on the ESTABLISHMENT hit piece against me. Don't believe those lies. Here are some points for you to know:
1. The former Democrat paying for the hit job, Charles Munger, inherited his daddy's money and wants to turn the Republican party into a liberal party. Munger told the LA Times: "our role as Republicans for a while will be to choose the best Democrat" and so he funds many democrats.
2. Munger is a de facto leader of the current CA Republican party, has bought the Republicans in the legislature with his donations and is buying our local party officials to support his agenda.
3. He accused me of losing voter registration as Chair (the 85,000 reg losses occurred after Romney lost and Rs left the party in droves around the country) yet his candidate lost an American record 372,000+ his last 2 years, when his candidate, known as Duf, was Party Chair. Munger has eclipsed those losses by losing over 470,000+ in the last three years but he has spent over $3 million registering independent voters - and the current Chair of party does nothing but take his money.. Yet I am the bad guy?
4. His candidate is hundreds of thousands in debt and left the CA Republican Party nearly $4 million in debt - I am not in debt and yet he accuses me of bad practices?
5. The truth is I have exposed Munger as a supporter of the failed Prop 14 Top 2 system, exposed the corruption that plagued his failed redistricting commission, and his buying of the party that has led to so many Republican legislators supporting public employee union measures.
Don't believe the lies. Support a fighter.